Faith Journey ©









Monday My life began from darkness. From the womb of possibilities. Into a world of shadows and games. I was cast like broken dice. Tuesday From my first faltering steps. I could reach beyond my feeble grasp. As I hit the floor running away. Into a world of chaos. Wednesday Amongst the many shadows. I soon learned the golden rules. That we all must play our parts. On a tragic stage for fools. Thursday I met a sincere stranger. A pilgrim of a journey of faith. With a message to tell the people. Of Gods perfect love and grace. Friday The words were sweet as honey. They vibrated through my very soul. Teaching me of a future for me. Giving me and inner peace. Saturday The world is still in chaos. People like pariahs to our souls. They'd tarnish our dream of tomorrow. With their fears of Holy truths. Sunday Tomorrow is a promise. Made to us by God through His own Son. So we hold tight onto the vision. Of our heavenly abode.
MJ Flack