What are we waiting for!








Scriptural Reference:
2 Kings 7:3-11

What are you waiting for? In this story we find the city is under siege. The enemy has ruthlessly besieged it and has cut off all lines of food and supplies. This leaves many in the city hungry and afraid of what to expect. Just at the gates and outside the safety of the city we find four lepers. Outcasts from society, they lived on the very city edge. Subsisting on whatever was thrown to them by those within the city walls. Which would be very little as those within would be using what food they had left for themselves. As they had no status and were shunned by all as unclean they were stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Not being able to enter the fortified city and beg, yet starving if they stayed where they were.

In such a difficult and precarious situation they considered their limited options. They new they could enter the city as they would be more than likely killed. Yet to stay outside the gate, a short distance from the enemy encampment, they would certainly either die from starvation or be killed the next time the enemy decides to make an attack. Perhaps killed by the enemy or by the cities defending archers. More commonly these days referred to as friendly fire. Some form of a Post Modern oxymoron.

They, having weighed up their very limited options, decide to throw themselves at the mercy of the enemy. Perhaps reasoning the enemy just might be friendlier than the people safely behind the city walls and refusing to let them back in. So they muster up what courage they could to approach the encampment. To be honest, I can't imagine they needed a great deal of courage as they were starving and would end up dead sooner or later. So off they go to the fearful enemy encampment to beg for any scraps they just might be kind enough to throw at them.

Just take a moment and try to visualize what they were thinking. What they were looking for as they cautiously approached. Than as they drew closer and closer. Listening for any sign that they would be ambushed or attacked without warning or mercy. Yet nothing. No challenge from guards posted at the firing of all the tents. No sound of soldiers either cooking, talking or sharpening their swords for battle. In fact it was a deadly silence that met them. Briefly they would have looked around and between the many tents and could not find one single soldier. Where were they? What was going on? Their next decision was to look into one of the tents. To see if they were hiding and ready to rush out and surround them. So they check tent after tent. And they find? Nobody. That's right they went checking tents and quickly discovered the place was empty. Save for the food and goods that were scattered. Being starving they quickly fed on the food and drink that had been left behind. They also gathered, as it is explained, silver and gold and hid these things so they could return when they needed them. They returned several times and repeated the collection of such treasures. Hiding them for use later when they were needed most.

Than something clicked. They discussed what they were doing. How if they continued to help themselves to what was there until the morning (as it seems they must have been there all day) they would surely be punished. They chose to return to the city gates and the Gamekeepers. Calling to them that the enemy have fled and they have all escaped and survived a terrible fate. Soon it was shouted and reported all the way back to the Palace. Where the King would have rejoiced at such news. Now, instead of being punished., they would be praised for bringing such great news to the city. Imagine the rejoicing throughout the city at such good news. They were saved.

So what are we waiting for? We as Christians can see the world as besieged by Satan. The enemy of demons attack people each and every day. The enemy besiege people and starve them of the spiritual food that they truly need. The world is like the city. Locked and fortified. Afraid of what will happen next and scarred to venture out without suffering the consequence. While we Christian have already learned the greatest truth. The enemy is defeated. Satan can only attack and hurt those who allow their fear to control them in ways that make them unable to resist and fight. Christians need to go to the World and proclaim the good news of the Gospel. Sharing it wherever they go. Proclaiming the battle is already won if we just claim the victory through our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. Just imagine how much joy there is in heaven when people we share the Gospel with turn to a solid faith in God our Father in heaven.

Wait no longer. Go out and proclaim the Lord is victorious.


Guide my steps,
Strengthen my resolve,
Give courage to my heart,
Prepare me as a soldier,
To face each new day,
With you by my side,
Proclaiming the victory is yours.
