Compassion vs Legalism








Scriptural Reference:"

Compassion is patient
"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude."
1 Corinthians 13:4

Compassion is generous
"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed."
Proverbs 19:17

Compassion is faith in action
"Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."
1 John 3:18

Legalism steals joy
"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Ephesians 2:10

Legalism breeds conflict
" If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other."
Galatians 5:15


Our generosity reflects the condition of our heart; it also reflects our relationship with Jesus the Christ. The most important thing about this is that our compassion needs to be active. As we read in 1 John 3:18 we need to do more than verbally make what some now call 'mother statements'. We need to do something. Though there are other considerations as to what or how our compassion can and should be expressed.

Compassion is patient: Love is patient and many things that are positive. We read this in 1 Corinthians 13:4. The relationship between love and compassion is made. Our capacity to express our love is shown through our willingness to show compassion to others. As well our willingness to show compassion without requirements or expectations is vitally important. When it comes to helping others there will be times when patience is an important part of the process. Not everyone who we would seek to assist will be open to our assistance. Some will have been conditioned to question and begrudge any help. If we offer help and it is rejected we need to step back and let the Holy Spirit move in ways that we may not even understand.

Compassion is generous: Our faith is meant to be active. As we read in James 2:14-26 we need to back up our words with out actions. It's not god enough to tell someone that you 'feel' for their plight and that you wish them well. Than to tell them to go in peace and stay warm without actually helping in any way. Just like faith needs to be active so does compassion. Words fail when we fail to reach out to those in need. Compassion is indeed generous. How often do we see Christians say one thing and yet do another. I know several Christians who will talk about giving to charities. Yet when asked about what charities they give to they quickly state a short list of caveats to who and why they give to charities. This also effects the amount they give.

As for the legalism, that has crept into many churches these days, it is a slow poison that destroys fellowship and Christian witness. Many people have given up on compassion for a politically correct legalism. As a self defending self effacing act that is hoped to make people less likely to attack them. For some it is easier to check the boxes, dot the I's and cross the T's. While turning a blind eye to what legalism does to them.

Legalism steals joy: By supplanting a helpful compassion for others with a legalistic attitude we can lose the sense of joy we can feel and achieve from showing our faith through our actions. We are called to do good works wherever we go and for as many as we are able to assist. This work is a reflection of Gods' grace to the world. How joyful do people feel when they give each week to the churches tithes? When people are feeling the financial pinch are they starting to question giving tithes all together? Sadly true.

Legalism breeds conflict: The tendency of Christians to turn against each other has been viewed and understood for many years. We are called to put on the armour of God to be able to defend ourselves against the attacks from Satan and many demons. Yet we are finding that we are getting attacked from other Christians. The legalism, that has become part of life, has created conditions and systems that some people feel are important. How many churches expect people to front up in a suit and tie? How many congregations look down on single mothers and fathers? How many churches have a silent exclusion policy for those who don't follow their churches agenda and dogma? Sadly legalism is killing Christian witness and Christian churches.


I pray Lord,
That my love is real and felt,
That my commission is active,
That you will lead me to others.

I pray Lord,
That I will not be deceived,
By legalists and rituals,
By Bias and prejudices,
That will destroy my witness.
