An Abundant Life








Scriptural Reference:
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10

"However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” the things God has prepared for those who love him."
1 Corinthians 2:9

"And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19

Reflection: An abundant life is something we all aspire to achieve. Bt what is the substance of such a life. To begin we will need to look at what many sources will tell us. There are plenty of voices to point towards what they each believe is the most important aspects of a life that is fulfilled and abundantly beautiful Here are some of them.

Social Media Influence's: One of the regular phrases used is achieving an "abundance mindset". This social mantra aims at teaching people to see the goal and achieve the goal. A search of current media influence's will highlight the many aspects of fan based manipulation. Videos that set the stage for what the audience is expected to accept as normal. In one case I remember a Byonce video that was outrageously raunchy and sexualised. Someone had posted that their little girl was captivated by the video and just loved dancing with Beyonce to the music. When I questioned the morality of letting a child emulate an adult dancing in such a sexualised way I was quickly attacked. It would seem if someone follows a media influencer online they will automatically endorse what ever they say and do. Essentially media influencer's will seek to sell the concept that an abundant life is found through their mantra's or mental regimes.

Celebrities: People look up to celebrities. They enjoy emulating the life styles and personal choices they make. While celebrities seek to create a brand for their name. Creating an image that they want others to emulate. This image takes into a range of lifestyle choices and fashion styles. As mentioned above, my experience with questioning a celebrities actions online has had difficult results. Just think back to when Brittany Spears was promoting virginity and claiming to be a virgin. Later she was outted as having lost her virginity while still claiming to be one. Strange how things have changed so much since than. She is now held up as being a victim and a role model of young girls everywhere. Celebrities these days seem to believe they are also political and social conscious gurus. They will sell their personal opinions as a way for people to find an abundant and fulfilling life.

Politicians/Government: Many governments and political agencies try to shape social and public constructs. They do these things as to be able to either encourage independence or compliance. Over history the more dictatorial or socialistic a government is the more it will attempt to indoctrinate people to follow a prescribed agenda. During the take over by the Bolshevik party in Russia the party deliberately starved many Christians. Taunting them to pray for food or die. When they were at their lowest and weakest the government went in and gave them food. Reassuring them that they food was from the communist party and not God. This is nothing more than a form of Stockholm syndrome. Governments and political groups tend to see society as an extension of their agendas. Not so much selling the dream but trying to isolate any who does not agree with it.

Family/Friends: Family and friends will have grown up with us while creating a preconceived image of what they believe we should be. Personally I know how this can happen. I had purchased an English bucket hat that I believed was suited to me. Sadly my Mother decided that the hat didn't suit me. She was able to convince others in the family that the hat didn't suit me. So I ended up unable to wear it without ridicule. It would seem the more someone gets to know us the more they will want to keep us in an agreeable pigeon hole or mental image that they find most pleasing. This will make it painfully difficult for us to ever seek change. Family and friends can be some of the harshest judges of personal changes. Sadly the 'you' that they have come to accept is not acceptable to change beyond what they are comfortable with.

Society: Peer pressure is nothing new. We live in a pressure cooker of peer pressure that aims to force us to conform to accepted social norms. The creation of social norms is made through a range of events and conditions. Society moves somewhat like the ocean. A small swell of local activities and activism soon builds up into a small wave. Later as it moves and gains momentum it becomes a tsunami. Anyone who might try and go against the tide will find themselves either crushed or pushed along. Society is a strange ectoplasmic entity. It seeks to shape and forge people to flow with the majority over the individual. Drowning any who may choose to swim against the tide.

The Bible: The Bible has many positive words of encouragement for those who truly want to embrace an abundant life. Many verses teach of developing a gentle spirit as you go through your life's journey. The beginning of John 10:10 tells us that Jesus did not come to us as a thief who takes away from us, but to give us an abundant life. Jesus reminds us that it is not “things” that we need. And what do we need? We each have core values that need to be met. We need to be accepted. We need to be loved. We need to feel like we belong. All these things are made clear and apparent in the Bible. We don't need to repeat some mantra over and over. Nor do we need to submit ourselves to a trendy diet or exercise routine. No media influencer or celebrity can show us what we need to do to create an abundant life. Not will any government or political entity be able to force us to adjust to their given agenda to make life feel sustainable and abundant. It will only be through reading and studying the Bible that we will find the keys to such a desired life. Jesus the Christ tells us clearly and plainly that he has "come that [we] may have life, and have it to the full". A blessed promise that we can each take to heart.

What is an abundant life? It is a life lived in full with our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ.

Jesus, my Lord,
Thank you for my life.

Even in times of trouble,
I will trust in you.

Even in times of joy,
I will trust in you.

Even when life seems dark,
I will trust in you.

In you and you alone,
I find an abundance of life.