An Ocean of Words








Scriptural Reference:

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
Psalm 119:105

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
2 Timoth 3:16-17

"25 but the word of the Lord endures forever.”And this is the word that was preached to you. "
1 Peter 1:25

I really enjoy some of the oddest of things. Such as watching paint dry. It doesn't dry uniformly as one might think. So it's rather interesting to see how various areas and surfaces dry at various speeds. Another odd thought is that if you take a book and were able to shake all the words out it would make a huge pile of words. The words may even break apart and leave a pile of letters randomly scattered across the floor. The image of this fascinates me. Though I haven;t found anyone else who shares the same interest as I have in such unusual imagery.

The Bible is a amazing selection of letters, words, verses, chapters and books. In fact there are, in the standard King James Bible, 66 books (39 OT & 27 NT), 783,137 words and a staggering 3,116,480 letters. An amazing alphabet soup of information. While it took roughly over 200 years to put together what we now view as the Old Testament. While the New Testament has been deemed to have been put together some time between 70 and 110 from the birth of Jesus the Christ. So yes there are a lot of letters floating around in the standard King James Bible. And I can already imagine the pile of those letters heaped on my desk as I type these words. Also made of the same letters. Though, to be honest, my words will never come even close to the importance of what the Bible has to teach us. The very storyline from Genesis 1 verse 1 to Revelations 22:21 speaks to us of God's master plan for all of creation. How He created everything that exists and has been watching, guiding and interacting with us well before we were even concieved.

So we are looking at the Bible as a mass of vital and valuable letters and words. So let's keep focused before I get side tracked with a new image of what we are looking at. Such as the great biblical themes about God, His revealed works of creation, provision, judgement, delverence, His old covenent, His new covenent and His many promises. There are seven themes that the Bible may be divided into. These being Grace, Faith, Hope, Love, Suffering, Serving and Self Improvement. While there may be five major themes that are deemed to be Creation is good, Sin destroys relationships, Jesus Christ reveals both God and humanity, God wants to be with us and God is ever faithful. Let's take time to consider these as bullet points.

  • Grace
    • The Grace of God is deemed to be the free and unmerited favour or beneficence of God. A Christians very salvation is founded on the perfect grace and love God has shown us through the deathe and resur
  • Faith
    • Is the complete trust or confidence in God that is based on a spiritual conviction rather than proof. That God will keep every promise that He has made within the Bible.
  • Hope
    • Christian hope is based on the teachings of the Bible by a person who has received Christian baptism. We have a hope that is founded on the solid ground of God's perfect word, the Bible.
  • Love
    • There are four types of Christian love. These are accepted by Christians as being;
      • Storge – empathy bond. Depper than emotional feelings.
      • Philia – friend bond. A fond familial connection between family and friends.
      • Eros – romantic love. A commited commitment between husbands and wifes.
      • Agape – unconditional "God" love. That love that sacrifices itself for other.
  • Suffering
    • Suffering is a product of the fall, a consequence of human sin against God. Suffering continues today as we live in a broken world. While some some suffering is due to our sinful and wrong choices.
  • Serving
    • Within a Christian context is an “act of Christian service”. Defined as any time served modeling the attitude of Jesus in service to God's creation without receiving reward or payment. What should be understood as an ultruistic act.
  • Self Improvement
    • Christians are on a personal journey of self-improvement. Through serving others in love and following the example Jesus has left us. We are called to be diligent in meeting needs of others. As well as managing family and our own needs.

Getting back to that curious pile of alphabetical letter; we can discover amazing and life changing truths throughout the Bible. Every word is inspired and written by God for our personal salvation and growth. We just need to pick it up and start reading. My suggestion is to start with the book of Luke. Followed by the book of Acts. Which is Lukes' second book and continues the story of faith. From the birth of Jesus to the spreading of the Gospel.


Heavenly Father,
I reach out to you in prayer.

Prepare me for battle
Renew me spirit
Assist me this day
Your Word is my strength
Encourage me to strand firm
Rejoicing in your Grace

I pray this in your sons name
Jesus the Christ.
